AAOE Staff Member Vicki Sprague Shares Insights on Benchmarking Benefits in Orthopedics Today

News & Press,

Vicki Sprague, PhD, AAOE's Senior Director of Data Solutions and Operations, spoke on the the importance of benchmarking and the perks associated with it in the article, "Benchmarking Data May Assist Surgeons, Administrators in Performance Assessment," seen on Orthopedics Today in May. 

"It is important to be able to have access to a broad set of metrics to understand how you are doing in relation to others," Sprague said. "All this data can help not only make those decisions within a practice, but also allow you to increase your market position, to make decisions on whether to expand into other markets or whether to add ancillary services or if there are changes that need to be made in staffing or compensation for staff or physicians."

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