October Board of Directors' Fall Retreat Day 2

Board & Committee Chairs,

Attendees: 2024 - 2025 Board of Directors & Council Chairs

Location: MagMutual Insurance 3535 Piedmont Rd NE, Bldg 14, Atlanta, GA

Weather Report: Highs will be in the high 70s and lows will be in the low 60s.

Dress Code: Day: casual; Dinners: business casual

Reminder: Please be sure your schedule is completely clear in order to stay focused on the retreat conversations. 

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024


             Breakfast in board room

 7:30 am - 8:00 am


 Meeting Start Time: 8:00 am






Agenda Item






Call to Order - American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives

Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT





Welcome & Attendance Tracker

Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT




Important Reminders

Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT


AAOE Mission, Vision, Brand Promise, and Goals



Volunteer Leadership NDA










Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT


Retreat Roster


The roster contains confidential information.
Do not share it with anyone outside of the
retreat attendees.





2025 Budget

Addy Kujawa, CAE, DES


2025 Budget - 2024 Forecast


Membership Council

Joe Ogle, PT, ATC

Quarterly Report

Questions for the Board:

  • How can we leverage the Board's network to amplify our member-get-a-member campaign?
  • What additional resources or support can the Board provide to enhance Council member engagement?
  • How can we align the Membership Council's initiatives with other AAOE councils for greater organizational impact?
  • What innovative member benefits have Board members observed in other professional organizations that AAOE should consider?



12:00 - 12:45 p.m.


Sponsored by Infinx with presentation


Release Guests

Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT


Call to Order - American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives

Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT


Education Council


Quarterly Report

Shannon Young, CPC, CPPM


Questions for Discussion:



  •  Is there anything that the Board of Directors would like the Education Council to be working on that is not currently on our radar?  

  • Credentialing or certification as a result of the webinars. (might encourage people to send their staff as well as themselves to spend the time to attend)

  • Revisit the O-AMCPE.  

    A coding conference directed to AAOE members and their staff. 1.5 day conference. Not September, AAPC (4/1/2025) does theirs in the beginning of the year. So maybe Q4 (could incorporate the changes that are made in October) or Q2 (End of Q2 or beginning of Q4) would be the right timeframe.  



Young & New Professionals Committee


Quarterly Report

Samantha Julias, MS-HSA


Questions for Discussion: 



  • What can the YNP committee do better?

  • Are there other groups that we can partner with to broaden our reach (state societies or other)? 



Advocacy Council


Quarterly Report

Dr. Paul Bruning, DHA


Lobbying Proposal



Questions for Discussion: 


  •  What value does the Board place on Advocacy?
  • What is the next level of Advocacy that the Board would like to see us achieve? 


Benchmarking Council



Quarterly Report

Beverly Cook


Benchmarking Report


Questions for Discussion:



  •  What recommendations do you have to increase engagement in the Benchmarking Survey given that participation levels have remained steady for the past 3 years?  



Technology Council


Quarterly Report

Vicki Sprague, Ph.D.


Questions for Discussion:

  • What additional goals would you like the Technology Council to work toward?  

  • Preferred training for cyber-security training that AAOE could support? 


Annual Conference Council



Quarterly Report

Michael Behr, MD, MBA


AC25 Registration Comparison

Addy Kujawa, CAE, DES


AC25 Revenue Report

AC25 Board Discount Code Leaderboard

Questions for Discussion:

  •  How can we generate a sense of urgency among members to ensure they fully capitalize on the benefits of the annual conference for their practices during these challenging times in the healthcare sector?


Industry Relations Advisory Board



Quarterly Report

Michael Behr, MD, MBA

AC25 Exhibitor Prospectus

 Addy Kujawa, CAE, DES


Questions for Discussion: 


  • How can we help get the word out about the IRAB so members and vendors know we are a resource? 

    • How do we make the IRAB a instrumental part of the AAOE and make the members aware of what we do and how we can be more impactful? 

    • For our two articles that we will write to share with members, please let us know: 

      • What do you appreciate about the IRAB? 

      • What did you learn about the IRAB, once you joined the board, that you were excited to learn, or felt was an important component of the work the IRAB does? 

      • What questions do you have around our work so we can be sure you have all the information first. 

      • What other goals do you want us to focus on and please be specific with results, numbers, etc. 

            • Is there anything you feel we could do to assist AAOE’s growth and vendor satisfaction that we haven’t included here? 


            Election Update

            Addy Kujawa, CAE, DES


            Candidate Profiles


            Election Ballot was sent by e-mail. Please vote!





            AAOE Awards of Excellence

            Addy Kujawa, CAE, DES


            Award Categories & Descriptions






            Joseph Mathews, PT, DPT


            An opportunity to get feedback on the day.






            Presentation from Synergen Health

            4:30 - 4:45 p.m.





            Meet in the lobby to carpool to dinner

            5:15 - 5:30 p.m.






            6:00 p.m.


             South City Kitchen - 3350 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 175



             Sponsored by Synergen Health



            Important Upcoming Dates

            Day 1 Agenda                                           Day 3 Agenda