What AAOE Has Been for Me

AAOE News,

What AAOE Has Been for Me

 Alissa Ashley-High, MHA, CMPE, BS, LPN

 2023-2024 Annual Conference Council Member


Joining AAOE has been one of the best decisions I have made in my career. When I started working in orthopaedics, I had experience in urgent care practice management and a nursing clinical background, but I had never been the head of an independent practice before. I felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to manage everything by myself. That's when I realized that I needed a network and team support. AAOE allowed me to connect with others, share experiences, and learn from experts in the field. It has been an invaluable resource for me, and I feel much more confident in my role as a practice administrator because of it.

I quickly became active in Collaborate; I researched past posts and efficiently utilized all available resources from the comfort of my office. It dawned on me that I wasn't alone in this. I had an entire country of orthopedic executives by my side. Everyone was friendly and willing to offer advice and resources, from policy and procedure manuals to employee handbooks and vendor guides. All the assistance I needed was within reach.

The next step was attending the annual AAOE conference where I participated in speed meetings, educational sessions, networking panels, and vendor events. The conference provided me with a firsthand view of the vast resources available to help make my practice more successful.

It has been seven years since I first became involved with AAOE, and my passion for it has not waned. I am eagerly anticipating the next conference and am excited to see what the future holds. For those who are new to AAOE or its conference, my most significant piece of advice is to get involved! Remember that you are not alone with AAOE.